My life's story began with a commitment made when I was nine years old. In one miraculous and holy moment I chose to devote my entire life to peace. Even though I didn't understand at the time the volume and depth of my commitment, my life since then has been directed toward this goal.
I return to this holy land. On which we walked and whom we blessed 2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth and me. Knowing the peace of God. His Sanctity and hisLove.
Welcome to our dwelling of peace
Peace upon you
Efrat Sar-Shalom
At Zman Midbar Efrat holds spiritual workshops with the aim of achieving inner peace; She conduct gatherings of peace prayers all over the world.
You are invited to join the "Journey of Consent". following our eldest brother. It is a 5 days journey in Judean Desert, Qumran, Zman Midbar and Jerusalem.
Peace Prayers are taking place all over the world. come, take your place and help us chainge the world.
For over 30 years Efrat Sar-Shalom is teaching "A Course in Miracles". She is the head of ACIM Israel. "Prince of Peace" – Barcelona is a school that i have asstblished. Efrat is a well knon spiritual teacher in the world. She follows Yeshua of Nazareth Teachings, and reciving his direct guidnece.
You are welcome to visit Efrat sites: