"To Beav", the day of love in Judaism is celebrated at the fool moon in the month of Av.
7th and 8th of August, Friday & Saturday.
This year we celebrate with a workshop based on A Course In Miracles
and a Concert by the well known Israeli musician Yair Dalal.
The program:
A workshop by Efrat Sar-Shalom based on ACIM.
This time the subject is Love.
How to live the value of "Love" in daily life and relations.
Time: 10:00-17:00
150 Nis including Vegetarian lunch
19:30 Welcoming the Sabbath with songs and prayers for peace
21:30: Yair Dalal performing new and ancient love songs.
The songs are from the Old Testament and other traditional melodies that are sang from heart.
Yair Dalal: Ud, Violin and singing.
Yotam Chaymovich: Sitar
Tickets: 60 Nis
You are welcome to stay in our tent!
Dinner, bad and breakfast 200 Nis
A workshop with Yair Dalal
Love songs
Fee 40 Nis